Sunday, 28 December 2014

Stanley Warren and the Changi Murals - The Ascension of Christ

Stanley Warren's health began to improve after Christmas 1942, and he began work on the second mural in St Luke's Chapel, Changi.

It depicts the risen Christ saying, "Go and teach the nations, I am with you".  Stanley had chosen this as his second mural in case he should die before the set of five were completed, as with the Nativity, it would show the beginning and end of Christ's life on earth.

Stanley remembers completing it in two to three weeks.  St Peter is shown going forward to Jesus as the other disciples look on.  He wanted to depict the individual characters of each disciple, including their weaknesses.

He showed St Peter going forward with his hand on his heart, remembering that he had denied Jesus three times the night he was arrested.  St John is shown jealously guarding his position as Christ's most loved disciple, and Thomas, on the extreme right of the picture, is shown covering his face in memory of having doubted the accounts of Jesus' resurrection.

Therefore the mural directly alludes to the Bible quotes of Matthew 28:19-20 of the Ascension, Luke 22:59-62 of Peter's denial of Christ and Thomas' doubts as written in John 20:24-27.

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